Every child knows that a mother's kiss makes every boo-boo feel better and heal faster. That skinned knee can be stinging and hurting, but after mama blesses it with her Magical Kiss, the boo-boo doesn't seem to hurt as much. You see, there really is magic in that kiss. The magic can't be seen, only felt. But what the mother (and grandmother) knows is that the magic is in knowing how to apply the kiss with care. Of course there is no scientific proof of the healing power of kisses, but a gentle kiss during a difficult time can remind you that you will be okay.
In April 2009, my second grandson was born with cystic fibrosis. He required emergency intestional resection surgery when he was less than 24 hours old. It was questionable if he would survive the surgery. Following the successful surgery, he spent several months in the neonatal intensive care unit. Twin brother went home on schedule but our little BB still had lots of healing to do and needed more of those Magical Kisses.
My BB received many of these wonderful kisses from all of the family but tons and tons of those magical healing kisses from Mommy. Placebo effect? Who cares if it works. Placebos can have powerful effects on the mind and heart. All I know for sure is that now, 19 months later, BB is a thriving, active toddler trying his best to keep up with his two brothers. It is my heartfelt belief that the loving and the Magical Kisses have had almost as much therapeutic intervention as the medical care to help him live as healthy a life as possible with all of his daily challenges.